  • Leaving the Exclusive Brethren

Leaving the Exclusive Brethren

  • $42.00
Duration: 44 minutes 
Year: 2005 
Aspect Ratio:
 Kathleen Mantel

Leaving the Exclusive Brethren presents true stories of individuals and families who have fallen from grace and been excommunicated from the Exclusive Brethren.
These are heartbreaking stories of men and women who are cast aside by those closest and dearest in the name of God. We meet families torn apart by this sect, a sect that ironically holds the family as the most fundamental of institutions.
People who were told they could no longer be a member of their family because of their choice of partner, faith or lifestyle.

Houston International Film Festival 2006 - Silver Award 2006
US International Film and Video Festival 2006 - Certificate for Creative Excellence 2006