Monsters of the Deep
Duration: 52 minutes
Concerned it would ruin the rest of their catch, the Captain ordered the mysterious creature to be dumped over the side - but not before crewman Yano Michihiko took this snapshot of it as well as sample of the animals' flesh.
Was this the remains of a plesiosaur as some scientists claimed? A creature that was supposed to have died out 65 million years ago? And if it wasn't a monster from the past what was it?
A 52 minute Docu-mystery that explores the myth and reality behind the stories of huge sea creatures and why we need to believe in Monsters at all.
Year: 2005
Aspect Ratio: 16:9
Director: Bryan Bruce
Concerned it would ruin the rest of their catch, the Captain ordered the mysterious creature to be dumped over the side - but not before crewman Yano Michihiko took this snapshot of it as well as sample of the animals' flesh.
Was this the remains of a plesiosaur as some scientists claimed? A creature that was supposed to have died out 65 million years ago? And if it wasn't a monster from the past what was it?
A 52 minute Docu-mystery that explores the myth and reality behind the stories of huge sea creatures and why we need to believe in Monsters at all.